libpqxx  7.7.5
Accessing results and result rows

A query produces a result set consisting of rows, and each row consists of fields. There are several ways to receive this data.

The fields are "untyped." That is to say, libpqxx has no opinion on what their types are. The database sends the data in a very flexible textual format. When you read a field, you specify what type you want it to be, and libpqxx converts the text format to that type for you.

If a value does not conform to the format for the type you specify, the conversion fails. For example, if you have strings that all happen to contain numbers, you can read them as int. But if any of the values is empty, or it's null (for a type that doesn't support null), or it's some string that does not look like an integer, or it's too large, you can't convert it to int.

So usually, reading result data from the database means not just retrieving the data; it also means converting it to some target type.

Querying rows of data

The simplest way to query rows of data is to call one of a transaction's "query" functions, passing as template arguments the types of columns you want to get back (e.g. int, std::string, double, and so on) and as a regular argument the query itself.

You can then iterate over the result to go over the rows of data:

for (auto [id, value] :
tx.query<int, std::string>("SELECT id, name FROM item"))
std::cout << id << '\t' << value << '\n';

The "query" functions execute your query, load the complete result data from the database, and then as you iterate, convert each row it received to a tuple of C++ types that you indicated.

There are different query functions for querying any number of rows (query()); querying just one row of data as a std::tuple and throwing an error if there's more than one row (query1()); or querying

Streaming rows

There's another way to go through the rows coming out of a query. It's usually easier and faster if there are a lot of rows, but there are drawbacks.

One, you start getting rows before all the data has come in from the database. That speeds things up, but what happens if you lose your network connection while transferring the data? Your application may already have processed some of the data before finding out that the rest isn't coming. If that is a problem for your application, streaming may not be the right choice.

Two, streaming only works for some types of query. The stream() function wraps your query in a PostgreSQL COPY command, and COPY only supports a few commands: SELECT, VALUES, or an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE with a RETURNING clause. See the COPY documentation here: [ ](

Three, when you convert a field to a "view" type (such as std::string_view or std::basic_string_view<std::byte>), the view points to underlying data which only stays valid until you iterate to the next row or exit the loop. So if you want to use that data for longer than a single iteration of the streaming loop, you'll have to store it somewhere yourself.

Now for the good news. Streaming does make it very easy to query data and loop over it:

for (auto [id, name, x, y] :<int, std::string_view, float, float>(
"SELECT id, name, x, y FROM point"))
process(id + 1, "point-" + name, x * 10.0, y * 10.0);

The conversion to C++ types (here int, std::string_view, and two floats) is built into the function. You never even see row objects, field objects, iterators, or conversion methods. You just put in your query and you receive your data.

Results with metadata

Sometimes you want more from a query result than just rows of data. You may need to know right away how many rows of result data you received, or how many rows your UPDATE statement has affected, or the names of the columns, etc.

For that, use the transaction's "exec" query execution functions. Apart from a few exceptions, these return a pqxx::result object. A result is a container of pqxx::row objects, so you can iterate them as normal, or index them like you would index an array. Each row in turn is a container of pqxx::field, Each field holds a value, but doesn't know its type. You specify the type when you read the value.

For example, your code might do:

pqxx::result r = tx.exec("SELECT * FROM mytable");
for (auto const &row: r)
for (auto const &field: row) std::cout << field.c_str() << '\t';
std::cout << '\n';

But results and rows also support other kinds of access. Array-style indexing, for instance, such as r[rownum]:

std::size_t const num_rows = std::size(r);
for (std::size_t rownum=0u; rownum < num_rows; ++rownum)
pqxx::row const row = r[rownum];
std::size_t const num_cols = std::size(row);
for (std::size_t colnum=0u; colnum < num_cols; ++colnum)
pqxx::field const field = row[colnum];
std::cout << field.c_str() << '\t';
std::cout << '\n';

Every row in the result has the same number of columns, so you don't need to look up the number of fields again for each one:

std::size_t const num_rows = std::size(r);
std::size_t const num_cols = r.columns();
for (std::size_t rownum=0u; rownum < num_rows; ++rownum)
pqxx::row const row = r[rownum];
for (std::size_t colnum=0u; colnum < num_cols; ++colnum)
pqxx::field const field = row[colnum];
std::cout << field.c_str() << '\t';
std::cout << '\n';

You can even address a field by indexing the row using the field's name:

std::cout << row["salary"] << '\n';

But try not to do that if speed matters, because looking up the column by name takes time. At least you'd want to look up the column index before your loop and then use numerical indexes inside the loop.

For C++23 or better, there's also a two-dimensional array access operator:

for (std::size_t rownum=0u; rownum < num_rows; ++rownum)
for (std::size_t colnum=0u; colnum < num_cols; ++colnum)
std::cout result[rownum, colnum].c_str() << '\t';
std::cout << '\n';

And of course you can use classic "begin/end" loops:

for (auto row = std::begin(r); row != std::end(r); row++)
for (auto field = std::begin(row); field != std::end(row); field++)
std::cout << field->c_str() << '\t';
std::cout << '\n';

Result sets are immutable, so all iterators on results and rows are actually const_iterators. There are also const_reverse_iterator types, which iterate backwards from rbegin() to rend() exclusive.

All these iterator types provide one extra bit of convenience that you won't normally find in C++ iterators: referential transparency. You don't need to dereference them to get to the row or field they refer to. That is, instead of row->end() you can also choose to say row.end(). Similarly, you may prefer field.c_str() over field->c_str().

This becomes really helpful with the array-indexing operator. With regular C++ iterators you would need ugly expressions like (*row)[0] or row->operator[](0). With the iterator types defined by the result and row classes you can simply say row[0].