libpqxx  7.9.0
Deprecated List
Class pqxx::basic_fieldstream< CHAR, TRAITS >
To convert a field's value string to some other type, e.g. to an int, use the field's as<...>() member function. To read a field efficiently just as a string, use its c_str() or its as<std::string_vview>().
Class pqxx::basic_ilostream< CHAR, TRAITS >
Access large objects directly using the blob class.
Class pqxx::basic_lostream< CHAR, TRAITS >
Access large objects directly using the blob class.
Class pqxx::basic_olostream< CHAR, TRAITS >
Access large objects directly using the blob class.
Class pqxx::binarystring
Use bytes and bytes_view for binary data. In C++20 or better, any contiguous_range of std::byte will do.
Member pqxx::blob::read (std::vector< std::byte, ALLOC > &buf)
As libpqxx moves to C++20 as its baseline language version, this will take and return std::span<std::byte>.
Member pqxx::connection::set_variable (std::string_view var, std::string_view value) &
To set a session variable, use set_session_var. To set a transaction-local variable, execute an SQL SET command.
Member pqxx::connection_base
Old base class for connection. They are now the same class.
Member pqxx::encrypt_password (char const user[], char const password[])
Use connection::encrypt_password instead.
Member pqxx::encrypt_password (zview user, zview password)
Use connection::encrypt_password instead.
Member pqxx::fieldstream
Read a field using field::as<...>() or field::c_str().
Member pqxx::from_query
Use transaction_base::stream instead of stream_from.
Class pqxx::from_query_t
Use stream_from::query() instead.
Member pqxx::from_table
Use transaction_base::stream instead of stream_from.
Class pqxx::from_table_t
Use stream_from::table() instead.
Class pqxx::largeobject
Use the blob class instead.
Class pqxx::largeobject_streambuf< CHAR, TRAITS >
Access large objects directly using the blob class.
Class pqxx::largeobjectaccess
Use the blob class instead.
Member pqxx::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CHAR > &s, field const &value)
The C++ streams library is not great to work with. In particular, error handling is easy to get wrong. So you're probably better off doing this by hand.
Member pqxx::params::append (binarystring const &value) &
Append binarystring parameter.
Namespace pqxx::prepare
The new params class replaces all of this.
Member pqxx::prepare::make_dynamic_params (C &container, ACCESSOR accessor)
Use params instead.
Member pqxx::prepare::make_dynamic_params (IT begin, IT end)
Use params instead.
Member pqxx::prepare::make_dynamic_params (C const &container)
Use params instead.
Member pqxx::row::slice (size_type sbegin, size_type send) const
I haven't heard of anyone caring about row slicing at all in at least the last 15 years. Yet it adds complexity, so unless anyone files a bug explaining why they really need this feature, I'm going to remove it. Even if they do, the feature may need an update.
Class pqxx::stream_from
Use transaction_base::stream.
Member pqxx::stream_from::stream_from (transaction_base &, from_table_t, std::string_view table)
Use factories table or raw_table instead.
Member pqxx::stream_from::stream_from (transaction_base &, from_table_t, std::string_view table, Iter columns_begin, Iter columns_end)
Use factories table or raw_table instead.
Member pqxx::stream_from::stream_from (transaction_base &tx, from_table_t, std::string_view table, Columns const &columns)
Use factory function query instead.
Member pqxx::stream_from::stream_from (transaction_base &tx, std::string_view table)
Use factories table or raw_table instead.
Member pqxx::stream_from::stream_from (transaction_base &tx, std::string_view table, Columns const &columns)
Use factories table or raw_table instead.
Member pqxx::stream_from::stream_from (transaction_base &, std::string_view table, Iter columns_begin, Iter columns_end)
Use factories table or raw_table instead.
Member pqxx::stream_from::stream_from (transaction_base &, from_query_t, std::string_view query)
Use factory function query instead.
Member pqxx::stream_to::stream_to (transaction_base &tx, std::string_view table_name)
Use table or raw_table as a factory.
Member pqxx::stream_to::stream_to (transaction_base &, std::string_view table_name, Columns const &columns)
Use table or raw_table as a factory.
Member pqxx::stream_to::stream_to (transaction_base &, std::string_view table_name, Iter columns_begin, Iter columns_end)
Use table or raw_table as a factory.
Member pqxx::strip_t
In C++20 we'll replace this with std::remove_cvref.
Member pqxx::transaction_base::set_variable (std::string_view var, std::string_view value)
To set a transaction-local variable, execute an SQL SET command. To set a session variable, use the connection's set_session_var function.