libpqxx  7.5.0
pqxx Namespace Reference

The home of all libpqxx classes, functions, templates, etc. More...


 Internal items for libpqxx' own use. Do not use these yourself.
 Dedicated namespace for helper types related to prepared statements.


struct  argument_error
 Invalid argument passed to libpqxx, similar to std::invalid_argument. More...
class  array_parser
 Low-level array parser. More...
class  basic_fieldstream
 Input stream that gets its data from a result field. More...
class  basic_ilostream
 Input stream that gets its data from a large object. More...
class  basic_lostream
 Stream that reads and writes a large object. More...
class  basic_olostream
 Output stream that writes data back to a large object. More...
class  binarystring
 Binary data corresponding to PostgreSQL's "BYTEA" binary-string type. More...
class  blob
struct  blob_already_exists
struct  broken_connection
 Exception class for lost or failed backend connection. More...
struct  check_violation
class  connection
 Connection to a database. More...
class  const_result_iterator
 Iterator for rows in a result. Use as result::const_iterator. More...
class  const_reverse_result_iterator
 Reverse iterator for result. Use as result::const_reverse_iterator. More...
class  const_reverse_row_iterator
 Reverse iterator for a row. Use as row::const_reverse_iterator. More...
class  const_row_iterator
 Iterator for fields in a row. Use as row::const_iterator. More...
struct  conversion_error
 Value conversion failed, e.g. when converting "Hello" to int. More...
struct  conversion_overrun
 Could not convert value to string: not enough buffer space. More...
class  cursor_base
 Common definitions for cursor types. More...
struct  data_exception
 Error in data provided to SQL statement. More...
class  dbtransaction
 Abstract transaction base class: bracket transactions on the database. More...
struct  deadlock_detected
 The ongoing transaction has deadlocked. Retrying it may help. More...
struct  disk_full
class  errorhandler
 Base class for error-handler callbacks. More...
struct  failure
 Run-time failure encountered by libpqxx, similar to std::runtime_error. More...
struct  feature_not_supported
 Database feature not supported in current setup. More...
class  field
 Reference to a field in a result set. More...
class  field_streambuf
struct  foreign_key_violation
struct  from_query_t
 Marker for stream_from constructors: "stream from query.". More...
struct  from_table_t
 Marker for stream_from constructors: "stream from table.". More...
class  icursor_iterator
 Approximate istream_iterator for icursorstream. More...
class  icursorstream
 Simple read-only cursor represented as a stream of results. More...
struct  in_doubt_error
 "Help, I don't know whether transaction was committed successfully!" More...
struct  insufficient_privilege
struct  insufficient_resources
 Resource shortage on the server. More...
struct  integrity_constraint_violation
struct  internal_error
 Internal error in libpqxx library. More...
struct  invalid_cursor_name
struct  invalid_cursor_state
struct  invalid_sql_statement_name
class  largeobject
 Identity of a large object. More...
class  largeobject_streambuf
 Streambuf to use large objects in standard I/O streams. More...
class  largeobjectaccess
 Accessor for large object's contents. More...
struct  no_null
 Nullness traits describing a type which does not have a null value. More...
class  nontransaction
 Simple "transaction" class offering no transactional integrity. More...
struct  not_null_violation
class  notification_receiver
struct  nullness
 Traits describing a type's "null value," if any. More...
struct  nullness< binarystring >
struct  nullness< ENUM, std::enable_if_t< std::is_enum_v< ENUM > > >
 Nullness: Enums do not have an inherent null value. More...
struct  out_of_memory
class  params
 Build a parameter list for a parameterised or prepared statement. More...
class  pipeline
 Processes several queries in FIFO manner, optimized for high throughput. More...
struct  plpgsql_error
 PL/pgSQL error. More...
struct  plpgsql_no_data_found
struct  plpgsql_raise
 Exception raised in PL/pgSQL procedure. More...
struct  plpgsql_too_many_rows
class  quiet_errorhandler
 An error handler that suppresses any previously registered error handlers. More...
struct  range_error
 Something is out of range, similar to std::out_of_range. More...
struct  restrict_violation
class  result
 Result set containing data returned by a query or command. More...
class  robusttransaction
 Slightly slower, better-fortified version of transaction. More...
class  row
 Reference to one row in a result. More...
struct  serialization_failure
 Transaction failed to serialize. Please retry it. More...
class  sql_error
 Exception class for failed queries. More...
class  stateless_cursor
 "Stateless cursor" class: easy API for retrieving parts of result sets More...
struct  statement_completion_unknown
 We can't tell whether our last statement succeeded. More...
class  stream_from
 Stream data from the database. More...
class  stream_to
 Efficiently write data directly to a database table. More...
struct  string_traits
 Traits class for use in string conversions. More...
struct  string_traits< binarystring >
 String conversion traits for binarystring. More...
class  subtransaction
 "Transaction" nested within another transaction More...
struct  syntax_error
struct  thread_safety_model
 Descriptor of library's thread-safety model. More...
struct  too_many_connections
class  transaction
 Standard back-end transaction, templatised on isolation level. More...
class  transaction_base
 Interface definition (and common code) for "transaction" classes. More...
class  transaction_focus
 Base class for things that monopolise a transaction's attention. More...
struct  transaction_rollback
 The backend saw itself forced to roll back the ongoing transaction. More...
struct  undefined_column
struct  undefined_function
struct  undefined_table
struct  unexpected_rows
 Query returned an unexpected number of rows. More...
struct  unique_violation
struct  usage_error
 Error in usage of libpqxx library, similar to std::logic_error. More...
class  zview
 Marker-type wrapper: zero-terminated std::string_view. More...


using table_path = std::initializer_list< std::string_view >
 Representation of a PostgreSQL table path. More...
using connection_base = connection
using fieldstream = basic_fieldstream< char >
using ilostream = basic_ilostream< char >
using olostream = basic_olostream< char >
using lostream = basic_lostream< char >
using result_size_type = int
 Number of rows in a result set. More...
using result_difference_type = int
 Difference between result sizes. More...
using row_size_type = int
 Number of fields in a row of database data. More...
using row_difference_type = int
 Difference between row sizes. More...
using field_size_type = std::size_t
 Number of bytes in a field of database data. More...
using large_object_size_type = int64_t
 Number of bytes in a large object. More...
template<typename TYPE >
using strip_t = std::remove_cv_t< std::remove_reference_t< TYPE > >
 Remove any constness, volatile, and reference-ness from a type. More...
using work = transaction<>
 The default transaction type. More...
using read_transaction = transaction< isolation_level::read_committed, write_policy::read_only >
 Read-only transaction. More...


enum  error_verbosity : int { error_verbosity::terse = 0, error_verbosity::normal = 1, error_verbosity::verbose = 2 }
 Error verbosity levels. More...
enum  write_policy { write_policy::read_only, write_policy::read_write }
 Should a transaction be read-only, or read-write? More...
enum  isolation_level { read_committed, repeatable_read, serializable }
 Transaction isolation levels. More...
enum  format : int { format::text = 0, format::binary = 1 }
 Format code: is data text or binary? More...


template<typename... T>
void parse_composite (pqxx::internal::encoding_group enc, std::string_view text, T &...fields)
 Parse a string representation of a value of a composite type. More...
template<typename... T>
void parse_composite (std::string_view text, T &...fields)
 Parse a string representation of a value of a composite type. More...
template<typename... T>
std::size_t composite_size_buffer (T const &...fields) noexcept
 Estimate the buffer size needed to represent a value of a composite type. More...
template<typename... T>
char * composite_into_buf (char *begin, char *end, T const &...fields)
 Render a series of values as a single composite SQL value. More...
std::string encrypt_password (char const user[], char const password[])
 Encrypt a password. More...
std::string encrypt_password (zview user, zview password)
 Encrypt password. More...
bool field::to< std::string > (std::string &obj) const
bool field::to< std::string > (std::string &obj, std::string const &default_value) const
bool field::to< std::string_view > (std::string_view &obj) const
bool field::to< std::string_view > (std::string_view &obj, std::string_view const &default_value) const
std::string_view field::as< std::string_view > () const
std::string_view field::as< std::string_view > (std::string_view const &default_value) const
template<typename CHAR >
std::basic_ostream< CHAR > & operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CHAR > &s, field const &value)
 Write a result field to any type of stream. More...
template<typename T >
from_string (field const &value)
 Convert a field's value to type T. More...
std::nullptr_t from_string< std::nullptr_t > (field const &value)
 Convert a field's value to nullptr_t. More...
std::string to_string (field const &value)
 Convert a field to a string. More...
const_result_iterator operator+ (result::difference_type o, const_result_iterator const &i)
const_reverse_result_iterator operator+ (result::difference_type n, const_reverse_result_iterator const &i)
const_row_iterator operator+ (const_row_iterator::difference_type o, const_row_iterator const &i)
template<typename ITER , typename ACCESS >
std::string separated_list (std::string_view sep, ITER begin, ITER end, ACCESS access)
 Represent sequence of values as a string, joined by a given separator. More...
template<typename ITER >
std::string separated_list (std::string_view sep, ITER begin, ITER end)
 Render sequence as a string, using given separator between items. More...
template<typename CONTAINER >
auto separated_list (std::string_view sep, CONTAINER const &c) -> typename std::enable_if<(not std::is_void< decltype(std::begin(c))>::value and not std::is_void< decltype(std::end(c))>::value), std::string >::type
 Render items in a container as a string, using given separator. More...
template<typename TUPLE , std::size_t INDEX = 0, typename ACCESS , typename std::enable_if<(INDEX==std::tuple_size< TUPLE >::value - 1), int >::type = 0>
std::string separated_list (std::string_view, TUPLE const &t, ACCESS const &access)
 Render items in a tuple as a string, using given separator. More...
template<typename TUPLE , std::size_t INDEX = 0, typename ACCESS >
std::string separated_list (std::string_view sep, TUPLE const &t, ACCESS const &access)
template<typename TUPLE , std::size_t INDEX = 0>
std::string separated_list (std::string_view sep, TUPLE const &t)
template<typename TYPE >
TYPE from_string (std::string_view text)
 Parse a value in postgres' text format as a TYPE. More...
std::string_view from_string (std::string_view text)
 "Convert" a std::string_view to a std::string_view. More...
template<typename T >
void from_string (std::string_view text, T &value)
 Attempt to convert postgres-generated string to given built-in object. More...
template<typename TYPE >
std::string to_string (TYPE const &value)
 Convert a value to a readable string that PostgreSQL will understand. More...
template<typename... TYPE>
std::vector< std::string_view > to_buf (char *here, char const *end, TYPE... value)
 Convert multiple values to strings inside a single buffer. More...
template<typename TYPE >
void into_string (TYPE const &value, std::string &out)
 Convert a value to a readable string that PostgreSQL will understand. More...
template<typename TYPE >
bool is_null (TYPE const &value) noexcept
 Is value null? More...
template<typename... TYPE>
std::size_t size_buffer (TYPE const &...value) noexcept
 Estimate how much buffer space is needed to represent values as a string. More...
template<typename TYPE >
constexpr format param_format (TYPE const &)
 What's the preferred format for passing non-null parameters of this type? More...
std::string_view transaction_base::query_value< std::string_view > (zview query, std::string_view desc)=delete
 Forbidden specialisation: underlying buffer immediately goes out of scope. More...
template<typename TRANSACTION_CALLBACK >
auto perform (TRANSACTION_CALLBACK &&callback, int attempts=3) -> std::invoke_result_t< TRANSACTION_CALLBACK >
 Simple way to execute a transaction with automatic retry. More...
template<typename... T>
void ignore_unused (T &&...)
 Suppress compiler warning about an unused item. More...
template<typename TO , typename FROM >
TO check_cast (FROM value, std::string_view description)
 Cast a numeric value to another type, or throw if it underflows/overflows. More...
void check_version ()
thread_safety_model describe_thread_safety ()
 Describe thread safety available in this build. More...
constexpr zview operator"" _zv (char const str[], std::size_t len) noexcept
 Support zview literals. More...
 PQXX_DECLARE_ENUM_CONVERSION (pqxx::internal::encoding_group)


template<typename TYPE >
std::string const type_name {internal::demangle_type_name(typeid(TYPE).name())}
 A human-readable name for a type, used in error messages and such. More...
template<typename TYPE >
constexpr bool is_sql_array {false}
 Does this type translate to an SQL array? More...
template<typename TYPE >
constexpr bool is_unquoted_safe {false}
 Can we use this type in arrays and composite types without quoting them? More...
template<typename T >
constexpr char array_separator {','}
 Element separator between SQL array elements of this type. More...
constexpr from_table_t from_table
 Pass this to a stream_from constructor to stream table contents. More...
constexpr from_query_t from_query
 Pass this to a stream_from constructor to stream query results. More...
constexpr oid oid_none {0}
 The "null" oid. More...

Detailed Description

The home of all libpqxx classes, functions, templates, etc.

Transaction focus: types which monopolise a transaction's attention.

Copyright (c) 2000-2021, Jeroen T. Vermeulen.

See COPYING for copyright license. If you did not receive a file called COPYING with this source code, please notify the distributor of this mistake, or contact the author.

Handling of SQL arrays.

Copyright (c) 2000-2021, Jeroen T. Vermeulen.

See COPYING for copyright license. If you did not receive a file called COPYING with this source code, please notify the distributor of this mistake, or contact the author.

Implementation of string encodings support

Copyright (c) 2000-2021, Jeroen T. Vermeulen.

See COPYING for copyright license. If you did not receive a file called COPYING with this source code, please notify the distributor of this mistake, or contact the author.

Implementation of the pqxx::result class and support classes.

pqxx::result represents the set of result rows from a database query

Copyright (c) 2000-2021, Jeroen T. Vermeulen.

See COPYING for copyright license. If you did not receive a file called COPYING with this source code, please notify the distributor of this mistake, or contact the author.

Typedef Documentation

◆ connection_base

Old base class for connection. They are now the same class.

◆ field_size_type

using pqxx::field_size_type = typedef std::size_t

Number of bytes in a field of database data.

◆ fieldstream

using pqxx::fieldstream = typedef basic_fieldstream<char>

◆ ilostream

using pqxx::ilostream = typedef basic_ilostream<char>

◆ large_object_size_type

using pqxx::large_object_size_type = typedef int64_t

Number of bytes in a large object.

◆ lostream

using pqxx::lostream = typedef basic_lostream<char>

◆ olostream

using pqxx::olostream = typedef basic_olostream<char>

◆ read_transaction

using pqxx::read_transaction = typedef transaction<isolation_level::read_committed, write_policy::read_only>

Read-only transaction.

◆ result_difference_type

using pqxx::result_difference_type = typedef int

Difference between result sizes.

◆ result_size_type

using pqxx::result_size_type = typedef int

Number of rows in a result set.

◆ row_difference_type

using pqxx::row_difference_type = typedef int

Difference between row sizes.

◆ row_size_type

using pqxx::row_size_type = typedef int

Number of fields in a row of database data.

◆ strip_t

template<typename TYPE >
using pqxx::strip_t = typedef std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<TYPE> >

Remove any constness, volatile, and reference-ness from a type.

In C++20 we'll replace this with std::remove_cvref.

◆ table_path

using pqxx::table_path = typedef std::initializer_list<std::string_view>

Representation of a PostgreSQL table path.

A "table path" consists of a table name, optionally prefixed by a schema name, which in turn is optionally prefixed by a database name.

A minimal example of a table path would be {mytable}. But a table path may also take the forms {myschema,mytable} or {mydb,myschema,mytable}.

◆ work

using pqxx::work = typedef transaction<>

The default transaction type.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ error_verbosity

enum pqxx::error_verbosity : int

Error verbosity levels.


◆ format

enum pqxx::format : int

Format code: is data text or binary?

Binary-compatible with libpq's format codes.


◆ isolation_level

Transaction isolation levels.

These are as defined in the SQL standard. But there are a few notes specific to PostgreSQL.

First, postgres does not support "read uncommitted." The lowest level you can get is "read committed," which is better. PostgreSQL is built on the MVCC paradigm, which guarantees "read committed" isolation without any additional performance overhead, so there was no point in providing the lower level.

Second, "repeatable read" also makes more isolation guarantees than the standard requires. According to the standard, this level prevents "dirty reads" and "nonrepeatable reads," but not "phantom reads." In postgres, it actually prevents all three.

Third, "serializable" is only properly supported starting at postgres 9.1. If you request "serializable" isolation on an older backend, you will get the same isolation as in "repeatable read." It's better than the "repeatable read" defined in the SQL standard, but not a complete implementation of the standard's "serializable" isolation level.

In general, a lower isolation level will allow more surprising interactions between ongoing transactions, but improve performance. A higher level gives you more protection from subtle concurrency bugs, but sometimes it may not be possible to complete your transaction without avoiding paradoxes in the data. In that case a transaction may fail, and the application will have to re-do the whole thing based on the latest state of the database. (If you want to retry your code in that situation, have a look at the transactor framework.)

Study the levels and design your application with the right level in mind.


◆ write_policy

enum pqxx::write_policy

Should a transaction be read-only, or read-write?

No, this is not an isolation level. So it really doesn't belong here. But it's not really worth a separate header.


Function Documentation

◆ check_cast()

template<typename TO , typename FROM >
TO pqxx::check_cast ( FROM  value,
std::string_view  description 

Cast a numeric value to another type, or throw if it underflows/overflows.

Both types must be arithmetic types, and they must either be both integral or both floating-point types.

References pqxx::internal::cat2(), and ignore_unused().

Referenced by pqxx::connection::close(), pqxx::connection::encoding_id(), pqxx::connection::esc_like(), pqxx::largeobject_streambuf< CHAR, TRAITS >::overflow(), pqxx::pipeline::resume(), pqxx::largeobject_streambuf< CHAR, TRAITS >::underflow(), pqxx::connection::unprepare(), and pqxx::internal::wait_read().

◆ check_version()

void pqxx::check_version ( )

Check library version at link time.

Ensures a failure when linking an application against a radically different libpqxx version than the one against which it was compiled.

Sometimes application builds fail in unclear ways because they compile using headers from libpqxx version X, but then link against libpqxx binary version Y. A typical scenario would be one where you're building against a libpqxx which you have built yourself, but a different version is installed on the system.

The check_library_version template is declared for any library version, but only actually defined for the version of the libpqxx binary against which the code is linked.

If the library binary is a different version than the one declared in these headers, then this call will fail to link: there will be no definition for the function with these exact template parameter values. There will be a definition, but the version in the parameter values will be different.

References ignore_unused(), and pqxx::internal::PQXX_VERSION_CHECK().

Referenced by pqxx::connection::connection(), and pqxx::connection::quote_columns().

◆ composite_into_buf()

template<typename... T>
char* pqxx::composite_into_buf ( char *  begin,
char *  end,
T const &...  fields 

Render a series of values as a single composite SQL value.

This code is still experimental. Use with care.

You may use this as a helper while implementing your own string_traits for a composite type.

References composite_size_buffer().

◆ composite_size_buffer()

template<typename... T>
std::size_t pqxx::composite_size_buffer ( T const &...  fields)

Estimate the buffer size needed to represent a value of a composite type.

Returns a conservative estimate.

References pqxx::internal::empty_composite_str.

Referenced by composite_into_buf().

◆ describe_thread_safety()

pqxx::thread_safety_model pqxx::describe_thread_safety ( )

◆ encrypt_password() [1/2]

std::string pqxx::encrypt_password ( char const  user[],
char const  password[] 

◆ encrypt_password() [2/2]

std::string pqxx::encrypt_password ( zview  user,
zview  password 

Encrypt password.

Use connection::encrypt_password instead.

References pqxx::zview::c_str(), and encrypt_password().

◆ field::as< std::string_view >() [1/2]

std::string_view pqxx::field::as< std::string_view > ( ) const

◆ field::as< std::string_view >() [2/2]

std::string_view pqxx::field::as< std::string_view > ( std::string_view const &  default_value) const

References is_null().

◆ field::to< std::string >() [1/2]

bool pqxx::field::to< std::string > ( std::string &  obj) const

References is_null().

◆ field::to< std::string >() [2/2]

bool pqxx::field::to< std::string > ( std::string &  obj,
std::string const &  default_value 
) const

References is_null().

◆ field::to< std::string_view >() [1/2]

bool pqxx::field::to< std::string_view > ( std::string_view &  obj) const

References is_null().

◆ field::to< std::string_view >() [2/2]

bool pqxx::field::to< std::string_view > ( std::string_view &  obj,
std::string_view const &  default_value 
) const

References is_null().

◆ from_string()

template<typename T >
T pqxx::from_string ( field const &  value)

Convert a field's value to type T.

Unlike the "regular" from_string, this knows how to deal with null values.

References pqxx::field::is_null(), pqxx::nullness< TYPE, ENABLE >::null(), pqxx::internal::throw_null_conversion(), and pqxx::field::view().

Referenced by pqxx::field::to().

◆ from_string< std::nullptr_t >()

std::nullptr_t pqxx::from_string< std::nullptr_t > ( field const &  value)

Convert a field's value to nullptr_t.

Yes, you read that right. This conversion does nothing useful. It always returns nullptr.

Except... what if the field is not null? In that case, this throws conversion_error.

References to_string().

◆ ignore_unused()

template<typename... T>
void pqxx::ignore_unused ( T &&  ...)

Suppress compiler warning about an unused item.

Referenced by check_cast(), check_version(), and pqxx::stream_from::complete().

◆ operator"" _zv()

constexpr zview pqxx::operator"" _zv ( char const  str[],
std::size_t  len 

Support zview literals.

You can "import" this selectively into your namespace, without pulling in all of the pqxx namespace:

using pqxx::operator"" _zv;

◆ operator+() [1/3]

◆ operator+() [2/3]

◆ operator+() [3/3]

◆ operator<<()

template<typename CHAR >
std::basic_ostream<CHAR>& pqxx::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< CHAR > &  s,
field const &  value 

Write a result field to any type of stream.

This can be convenient when writing a field to an output stream. More importantly, it lets you write a field to e.g. a stringstream which you can then use to read, format and convert the field in ways that to() does not support.

Example: parse a field into a variable of the nonstandard "<tt>long long</tt>" type.

extern result R;
long long L;
stringstream S;
// Write field's string into S
S << R[0][0];
// Parse contents of S into L
S >> L;

Referenced by pqxx::stream_to::operator<<().

◆ parse_composite() [1/2]

template<typename... T>
void pqxx::parse_composite ( pqxx::internal::encoding_group  enc,
std::string_view  text,
T &...  fields 

Parse a string representation of a value of a composite type.

This code is still experimental. Use with care.

You may use this as a helper while implementing your own string_traits for a composite type.

This function nterprets text as the string representation of a value of some composite type, and sets each of fields to the respective values of its fields. The field types must be copy-assignable.

The number of fields must match the number of fields in the composite type, and there must not be any other text in the input. The function is meant to handle any value string that the backend can produce, but not necessarily every valid alternative spelling.

Fields in composite types can be null. When this happens, the C++ type of the corresponding field reference must be of a type that can handle nulls. If you are working with a type that does not have an inherent null value, such as e.g. int, consider using std::optional.

References pqxx::internal::get_glyph_scanner().

Referenced by pqxx::field::composite_to(), and parse_composite().

◆ parse_composite() [2/2]

template<typename... T>
void pqxx::parse_composite ( std::string_view  text,
T &...  fields 

Parse a string representation of a value of a composite type.

This version only works for UTF-8 and single-byte encodings.

For proper encoding support, use the composite-type support in the field class.

References parse_composite().




pqxx::PQXX_DECLARE_ENUM_CONVERSION ( pqxx::internal::encoding_group  )

◆ to_string()

◆ transaction_base::query_value< std::string_view >()

std::string_view pqxx::transaction_base::query_value< std::string_view > ( zview  query,
std::string_view  desc 

Forbidden specialisation: underlying buffer immediately goes out of scope.

Variable Documentation

◆ from_query

constexpr from_query_t pqxx::from_query

Pass this to a stream_from constructor to stream query results.

Use stream_from::query() instead.

Referenced by pqxx::stream_from::query().

◆ from_table

constexpr from_table_t pqxx::from_table

Pass this to a stream_from constructor to stream table contents.

Use stream_from::table() instead.

Referenced by pqxx::stream_from::raw_table(), and pqxx::stream_from::stream_from().

◆ oid_none